We welcome you to Buckshot Lane church of Christ and thank you for taking the time to learn more about us. We are a congregation of believers, a family of God's children seeking to worship after the pattern set forth in the scriptures, with no head but Christ.
Welcome to Buckshot Lane Church of Christ
February 2025
- Sun AM Bible Study
2/9/25 09:00am - Sun AM Worship
2/9/25 10:30am - Wed PM Bible Study
2/12/25 07:00pm - Sun AM Bible Study
2/16/25 09:00am - Sun AM Worship
2/16/25 10:30am - Full Calendar
Revelation class recordings
Recordings for the 2023 Wednesday night class covering Revelation can be found at HERE
Looking for our FULL service recordings?
If you are looking for the full service recordings, visit our YouTube Channel and search for FULL
Looking for a church home?
If you are looking for a church home, we invite you to consider the church on Buckshot Lane. Our purpose is to provide a family atmosphere where people get together to worship God, study His word and have fellowship with one another. The church is not an entertainment venue or a corporate business run by a board of directors, it is simply a gathering of people Jesus died to save. It is the family of God, a place to belong, to be loved and to serve others. Our aim is not to be like the world, but to change to world one person at a time by introducing them to Jesus. We invite you to become an active participant in the greatest mission on earth.